Ljudböcker / 3-6 år

Olofs frostiga äventyr
"Olofs frostiga äventyr" följer den älskade snögubben Olof - som först sågs i Disneys Frost - när han ger sig ut på ett viktigt äventyr. När Olof får veta att alla i Arendal har e ...

Fem minuter till halloween
Spöktakulära historier! Leta reda på en läskig häxa med Pinocchio, skräm Kapten Krok med Peter Pan, lek bus eller godis med Jenny och mycket, mycket annat! Varje berättelse i denna ...

Belle – Den stora sagosamlingen
Bli vår gäst! Här har vi samlat flera magiska berättelser om en av Disneys mest älskade prinsessor Belle.Häng med och bli vän med uppfinnare och ge dig ut på spännande äventyr, utf ...

Frost – Annas isiga äventyr
Elsa råkar av misstag skapa en evig vinter i kungadömet Arendal. Hon flyr upp i bergen och hennes modiga syster, prinsessan Anna, ger sig iväg för att hämta hem henne så att allt k ...

Små kungariken - Underbyxornas dans
Dyk ner i en värld av små, magiska kungariken som är fulla av överraskningar!Trots att kung Smidgen och drottning Minutiae är upptagna med förberedelserna inför det storslagna besö ...

Vaiana – Pua och Heihei
Häng med till ön Motunui i Stilla havet, och träffa Vaiana och alla hennes underbara vänner från den älskade Disney-filmen!Vaiana och hennes mormor Tala har full upp med att förber ...

PJ Masks - Carly and Cartoka
Join Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko as they tackle Carly and Cartoka – a pair of speed-obsessed villainous twins who love causing trouble! With help from their Gigantogarage and super- ...

PJ Masks - Storybook Treasury
Ahoy, Matey! Prepare to embark on three awesome adventures with the PJ Masks! From dealing with Romeo's failed experiments to reclaiming stolen treasure from the villainous Pirate ...

PJ Masks - Ninja Power Up!
Grab your superhero capes and join Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko as they chase down Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos! Defeating the villain with ease, the PJ Masks become overconfident ...

My Little Pony - The New Generation - Make Your Mark and Other Stories
Join the new generation of My Little Pony in four exciting adventures!Help Izzy make the perfect Easter eggs for her best friends, make your mark and celebrate the awesome Maretime ...

My Little Pony - The New Generation - Movie Adventure
The harmony in Equestria has been broken. The earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi no longer trust one another and worse still, there is no magic left in the world! Sunny is the only ...

My Little Pony - The New Generation - 5-Minute Stories
Come along on six exciting adventures with the new generation of My Little Pony! Take part in Sunny’s birthday celebration, help Hitch avoid the magical plants running amok, accomp ...

PJ Masks - Meet PJ Robot
The PJ Masks are back to save the day and they need your help! The PJs' rival Romeo has built a new robot, and they want it on their side. But Romeo won't surrender without a fight ...

PJ Masks - 3-Minute Bedtime Stories
Join Catboy, Owlette and Gekko on twelve short adventures as they take on rivals Romeo, the Night Ninjas and Luna Girl. Using their superpowers, wits, and friendship, PJ Masks are ...

PJ Masks - Meet the Wolfy Kids
Join the Pyjama Heroes on another night-time adventure! The PJ Masks get busy when a trio of werewolf siblings show up. The Wolfy Kids have come to town, destroying and stealing ev ...

PJ Masks - Be a Hero!
Who goes into the night so they can save the day? PJ Masks! Can Owlette, Catboy and Gekko stop Romeo before he steals their superpowers with his all-in-one super-belt? And who is i ...

PJ Masks - 5-Minute Stories
Prepare yourself for trouble and join the PJ Masks on 12 different adventures as they head out into the night to save the day!Owlette, Catboy, and Gekko are ready to go up against ...

PJ Masks - Ready for Action!
Put on your most colourful superhero costume and join the PJ Masks on yet another adventure as they head out into the night to battle Night Ninja and Luna Girl!Night Ninja has stol ...

PJ Masks - PJ Power!
Put on your cosiest pajamas and join the PJ Masks on four exciting adventures: Pedal Power, Battle of the HQs, Feathered Friends, and Mayhem at the Museum! The villains have devise ...

PJ Masks - Race Up Mystery Mountain
Fasten your seatbelt and join the PJ Masks in their race against Night Ninja to see who reaches the top of Mystery Mountain first!On Mystery Mountain lies a magical ring which best ...

PJ Masks - Catboy and the Big Birthday Cake Rescue
Put on your coolest superhero costume and join the PJ Masks on yet another exciting night-time adventure, defeating the city's evil villains. The difference? This time it's persona ...

PJ Masks - Catboy and the Shrinker
The PJ Masks are ready for a new and exciting adventure! Grab your nearest superhero cape and join them in their quest against not one but two of their archenemies. When Romeo and ...

PJ Masks - Heroes of the Road
Get ready for an action-packed 4-part special with the PJ Masks! Eager to take on Carly and Cartoka in a roaring race in Zoomzania using their cool PJ vehicles, the PJ Masks go aga ...

Bamse ja maailman pienin seikkailu
Nalle-Maija juo vahingossa XYZ-mehua ja muuttuu pienenpieneksi. Yhtäkkiä kukaan ei näe häntä. Sillä välin Kroisos-myyrä suunnittelee parkkipaikan rakentamista piknikniitylle. Voi k ...

Viikon 7 kauneinta smurffitarinaa
Seikkaile smurffien kanssa viikon jokaisena päivänä! Tässä tarinakokoelmassa jokaiselle viikonpäivälle on varattu oma tarinansa, joten pääset kokemaan uuden smurffiseikkailun joka ...