E-böcker / Fantasy & SF
Redovisningsavdelning Marviken
Tor arbetar på den svenska underrättelsetjänstens hemligaste avdelning, med så kallade våta arbeten. Arbeten som är totalt olagliga och som aldrig får komma till allmänhetens känne ...
Reno är hovnarren som behöver få ihop pengar för att fly till ett annat solsystem innan sultanen tröttnar på honom. Hans kompanjon Sheena iscensätter en rad våghalsiga kupper. Reno ...
Ett hem utom räckhåll
I en nära framtid har samhällsutvecklingen avstannat efter år av obeslutsamhet och indifferens. Ur tomrummet reser sig en hårdför ledare, som hänför befolkningen med hyllningar av ...
Går det att gömma sig från en del av sig själv ... eller kommer den alltid att nå ytan till slut?Mellody är på flykt från sin far efter att ha svikit honom. Sveket har väckt något ...
Vad gör du om du en dag får lära dig att du inte är den du trodde … och den du egentligen är kanske inte är den du vill vara?Märket på Erikas hals har alltid fått henne att känna s ...
Sängen i trädet
Filmaren Hans Jörgen reser runt i världen med ett kameraobjektiv i en platinakedja kring halsen. Han har även en kamera och en ljudbandspelare. Meningen är att han till slut ska hi ...
Jungfrulig Planet
Sefrem är en akademiker av ytterst tveksamma meriter, med flera skandaler kvävda i sitt förflutna. Han lunkar fram i en karriär i stiltje och gör sitt bästa att gripa varje tillfäl ...
The Tinder Box
A soldier returning from war meets a wicked witch on his path. She promises him great riches if he will dive to the bottom of a hollow tree for her. In this tree, there are three c ...
The Princess on the Pea
A prince wanted to find a real princess, but although he travelled the world, which is full of princesses, he could not find a real princess. So, he returned home, sad and empty-ha ...
Little Ida's Flowers
Little Ida liked the student, who always had a tale to tell, a lot. So, one morning, when little Ida's flowers had all withered, she asked the student what could have happened to t ...
The Travelling Companion
When his father died, young Johannes did not know what to do. He was now all alone in the world and he was inconsolable. With his inheritance, he decided to explore the world and h ...
The Little Mermaid
At the bottom of the ocean lived the sea king, his old mother and his six daughters. They lived in a beautiful castle, surrounded by a big garden, of which each daughter took care ...
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
“Once upon a time, there were twenty-five tin soldiers who were all brothers, as they were all born from an old tin spoon. They held their weapons on their arms, their heads were t ...
The Nightingale
A long time ago, the Emperor of China lived in a magnificent palace made of fine china and surrounded by a splendid garden that was so big that even the gardener did not know it al ...
The Ugly Duckling
The Ugly Duckling (1842) tells the story of a duckling who is rejected by everyone, including his family, because he looks different. Tired of being made fun of, he decides to go f ...
The Elder-Tree Mother
A little boy who had caught a cold after getting his feet wet, drank an elder infusion that his mother had prepared to warm him up and his grandfather told him the story of the Lit ...
The Snow Queen
One day, a diabolical troll made a mirror that showed everything beautiful as ugly and all that was good as evil. Delighted, the trolls decided to carry their mirror to heaven and ...
The Bell
A bell could be heard just as well in the town as in the country, but no one knew exactly where the sound was coming from. The bell seemed to ring in the forest and its music was s ...
The Little Match Girl
This story, one of Andersen’s best known, tells the tale of a poor little girl who was sent by her parents to sell matches in the street. It is Christmas Even and it is very cold, ...
The Red Shoes
There was once a poor little girl called Karen. In summer, she walked barefoot and in winter, she wore clogs that hurt her feet. She had no choice, it was all she had. Dame Shoemak ...
Holger Danske
In Denmark, there is an old castle called Kronborg. Situated on the coast, in summer boats come here from all over the world, but the reason for the castle’s renown is hidden in it ...
The Darning Needle
Once upon a time there was a darning needle who thought it was a sewing needle. It was indeed very fine, so fine that one day it broke, but it was not yet over for the needle, nor ...
The Shadow
A scholar from a cold country lived in a hot country, but he found it difficult to adapt to the climate. In the daytime, his shadow became tiny: it really was too hot for him. So, ...
The Flax
The flax is flowering and has a happy future before him. He will grow, be gathered and transformed into beautiful fabric. He is very impatient, but he still has some lessons to lea ...
The Old Oak Tree's Last Dream
On the top of a cliff overlooking the sea was an oak tree that was 365 years old. It was an unimaginable age for the mayflies, tiny creatures who lived only one day. The oak only s ...